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Diet, Exercise, Genetics, PEDs what’s more important?

Diet, Exercise, Genetics, PEDs what’s more important?

I know you’ve been waiting for this one. So let’s get straight to it:

Here is an honest answer on what it actually takes to become “Jacked and Shredded”. 

It goes something very close to this:

1. Diet about 30% (you have to have a meal plan tailored to your specific needs)

2. Training about 20% (you still have a train hard and follow a good training plan, but a lot less than many people would like you to believe). I’ve seen guys with incredible physiques who’s training intensity and frequency sux ( Myself being a good example of this ;) )

3. Genetics about 10% ( no matter what you have to be genetically gifted to achieve a physique a Mr. Olympia competitor. However, Fitness Instagram model is attainable even with terrible genetics. ) There are also ways to permanently change your genetics but on that later.

4. PEDs/Drugs 40 % - Oh nooo ! he said it! 40%! I know that’s your initial reaction. But I’m just being honest with you here. In some cases, it might be even more than 40% of the success. (Also extremely good genetics rise to the level of PEDs Some gifted people have such high anabolic hormones or sensitivity to them that their natty bodies are the equivalent to someone running PEDs. This is one of the many reasons I see it as unfair or even racist to prohibit PEDs in sports… If they were actually able to 100% enforce against PEDs then it becomes largely a test of the best genetics or ethnicity.  With science we can transcend our ur god given limitations and use mental power to compensate for lack of god given physical power)

Unlike “Fake Natty” coaching programs, copy-pasted fitness programs. By joining our membership program you will get access to all of it:

  • Personalized Meal-Plan

  • Personalized Workout plan (including intensity techniques)

  • Personalized PED program

  • Exclusive discounts on sources

  • A ton of educational uncensored videos

And plenty more, see the full content of our program here ->  CLICK HERE


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